As the hamster in Bolt said "It begins ..." (Am I the only adult who finds these characters amusing ... the hamster ties with the Penguins of Madagascar for me ...)
Back on subject: Happy Birthday Canberra!
As a Canberra Girl Born and Bred I have to promote the Canberra Festival, but it's not hard to do ... next week and weekend holds more than I could get my head around. For the kids and I, the highlights will be:
- the balloons taking off at 0630 - any morning you like, 6-14 March, with the Lions Club people providing breakfast;
- FlipArt in Civic Square, 12-14 March, for street and physical theatre (aerial displays, puppetry, roving acrobats, stilt-walkers);
- the fireworks on Saturday 13 March;
- the Lanyon Music Festival, Sunday 7 March with very family friendly timing of 5-7:30pm (take a picnic and enjoy local performing artists as the sun sets over the Brindabellas);
- the sheep dog trials at Hall, 9-14 March;
- the kids' fishing clinic in Lennox Gardens, Yarralumla on Saturday 13 March, followed by the Canberra Carp-Out on Sunday 14 March.
Bet we won't manage half of it!
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